Grant Application

Rules and Regulations for Funding Request

These funds are to be used only to promote and encourage conventions, visitors, and tourism within the county. Expenditures may include, but are not limited to, expenditures for advertising, promotional activities, trade shows, special events, and recreation.

All Grants must be accompanied by a copy of the minutes which document board approval of applying to the CCVB for a grant, list of Board of Directors and the organizations they represent, and the total budget for the project.

Last date to submit grant application is September 30th, 2025.

  1. Reimbursement will be made only with an original copy of the paid invoice from your supplier. If payment is being made directly from the CCVB to supplier, the original invoice must be presented for payment. All invoices must contain the name of the event or be accompanied by a cover letter notating the event.
  2. The Cass County Visitors Bureau website ( must be included in/on all your marketing information such as billboards, banners, brochures, radio advertising, TV or newsprint advertising.
  3. Invoices must be presented to the CCVB promptly. The CCVB will not be responsible for late fees on any invoice. Presentation of late invoices may result in a negative view of future grant requests.
  4. Grant monies will not be disbursed after 90 days from the date of the event/project completion date.
  5. The CCVB Board maintains all rights to approve or deny the grant request.

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