
Step-By-Step Directions Going East
  1. From the Panhandle Pathway at the Kenneth Trailhead proceed east on Cass County Road 50 North to 500 West. 
  2. Turn left onto 500 W and proceed north to C.R. 150 North.
  3. Turn right at 150 N. and proceed east, over U.S. 35, over Royal Center Pike to Indian Creek Road.
  4. Turn right at Indian Creek Road and proceed south to Northern Avenue.
  5. Turn left at Northern Ave. and proceed east to Clifton Avenue.
  6. Turn right at Clifton Avenue and proceed south to Jackson Street.
  7. Turn left at Jackson Street and proceed east to Meadlawn Avenue.
  8. Turn right onto Meadlawn Avenue and proceed south to Michigan Avenue.
  9. Take a left on Michigan Ave. (S.R. 25) and proceed northeast 1 block to Smith St. 
  10. Take a right onto Smith St. & proceed east to Huston Park & Huston Park Trail.
  11. Take Huston Park Trail southwest to the River Bluff Trail.  Huston Park Trail dead ends into River Bluff Trail at the Eel River.
  12. At the River Bluff trail turn left and proceed east about 500 feet to the Cole Bridge.
  13. Turn Right onto the Cole Bridge and cross the Eel River to the Riverside Park trail.
  14. Turn right and proceed west on the Riverside Park trail to the large blue city water tower.
  15. Riverside Park trail ends at the water tower. 
  16. At the water tower continue west onto Race Street to 7th Street.
  17. Turn left and proceed one block south on 7th Street to High Street.
  18. Turn right on High Street and proceed west to 4th Street.
  19. Turn left on 4th Street and proceed south to the Little Turtle Plaza & Trail.
  20. Follow the Little Turtle Trail east to 18th Street.  Little Turtle Trail ends at 18th St.
  21. Turn right onto the 18th Street bridge and go south over the Wabash River.
  22. On the south side of the bridge turn left onto Wabash River Rd. & proceed east. 
  23. Wabash River Road changes names to South River Road at 24th Street. 
  24. Continue going east on South River Road.
  25. South River Road changes names to 150 South at 500 East.
  26. Continue going east on 150 South to the “T” at C.R. 600 East.
  27. Turn left and proceed north about a quarter of a mile on 600 East to 125 South.
  28. Turn right on 125 S. and proceed east to C.R. 700 East.
  29. Turn right on 700 E. and carefully cross the four lane highway, U.S. 24, also know as the Hoosier Heartland Highway.  Caution:  High speed traffic.  Proceed south to 250 South.
  30. Turn left & proceed east on 250 S.  250 S. curves down & around to the right and turn into 800 East.  Caution-Steep hill.
  31. Follow 800 E. south to the Pipe Creek bridge. The bridge will be on your left.
  32. Turn left onto the Pipe Creek bridge, crossing over to 825 East.
  33. Turn left on 825 E. and proceed north.  825 East will curve around to the right and change into C.R. 200 South.
  34. Take 200 S. east.  Note:  200 S. turns into South River Road.
  35. Follow South River Road east.  The Wabash River is on your left.
  36. South River Road turns into West River Road at the Miami-Cass County Line.
  37. Follow West River Road east to business U.S. 31. 
  38. Turn right on business U.S. 31 and proceed south a short distance to South Wallick Road.
  39. Turn left onto South Wallick Rd and then south a short distance to the Nickel Plate trail on your left.  You have arrived at your destination, the Nickel Plate Trail.
Step-By-Step Directions Going West
  1. Leave the Nickel Plate Trail on the west side and follow Wallick Road northwest to the stop sign at business U.S. 31.  Turn right onto business U.S. 31 and travel a short distance to West River Road.  Turn left onto West River Road. 
  2. Proceed west on West River Road.  When you cross into Cass County, West River Road changes names to South River Road.  Continuing west on South River Road, the name changes again to 200 S.  Continue west on Cass Co. Rd. 200 S.
  3. 200 S. curves left (South) and changes to Cass Co. Rd. 825 E.  Follow 825 E. south to Pipe Creek Bridge.  Turn right (west) & cross Pipe Creek Bridge. 
  4. Once on west side of the bridge, turn right and go north on 800 E.
  5. 800 East curves up and to the left (west) and becomes 250 South.  Steep hill.
  6. Follow 250 S. west to 700 East.
  7. Turn right and proceed north on 700 E. to the four lane highway, U.S. 24, also know as the Hoosier Heartland Highway.  Caution:  High speed traffic.
  8. Carefully cross the four lane highway, U.S. 24 & turn left and go west on 125 S.
  9. Follow 125 S. to 600 East.  125 T’s into 600 East.
  10. Turn left and proceed one quarter of a mile south on 600 E.
  11. Turn right and proceed west on 150 S.
  12. 150 S. changes names to South River Road at 500 East.
  13. South River Road changes names to Wabash River Road at 24th Street.
  14. Follow Wabash River Road west to the “T” at 18th Street.    
  15. Turn right on 18th Street and proceed across the 18th Street bridge.
  16. On the north side of the bridge, immediately turn left onto the Little Turtle trail.
  17. Follow the trail west to the Little Turtle Trail Plaza at 4th Street.
  18. Take 4th Street north to High Street.
  19. Turn Right on High Street and proceed east to 7th Street.
  20. Turn Left on 7th Street and proceed north to Race Street.
  21. Turn right & follow Race St east to big blue water tower.  Take slight left at the water tower onto Riverside Park trail.
  22. Follow the Riverside Park trail along side Eel River east to the Cole Bridge.
  23. Turn left (north) onto the Cole Bridge and over the Eel River.
  24. On the north side of the Cole Bridge, turn left onto the River Bluff trail.
  25. Follow the River Bluff trail west approximately 500 feet.
  26. Turn right into the Hervey Preserve/Huston Park trail.
  27. Follow the trail through Huston Park and out onto Smith Street.
  28. Follow Smith Street west to Michigan Avenue. 
  29. Turn left and follow Michigan Ave a short distance southwest to Meadlawn Ave.
  30. Turn right and take Meadlawn Ave. north to Jackson Street.
  31. Turn left and proceed west on Jackson Street to Clifton Avenue.
  32. Turn right and proceed north on Clifton Avenue to Northern Avenue.
  33. Turn left and proceed west on Northern Avenue to Indian Creek Road.
  34. Turn right and proceed north on Indian Creek Road to 150 North.
  35. Turn left and proceed west on 150 N., across U.S. 35 to 500 West.
  36. Turn left and proceed south on 500 W. to 50 North.
  37. Turn right and proceed west on 50 North to the Kenneth Trail Head.  You have reached your destination, the Panhandle Pathway.   
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